Developing the competencies necessary for the prevention and suppression of drugs of the village security unit in Wang Thong District Phitsanulok Province

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Suparlerk Rimmai
Phasakorn Dokchan


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of the development of the necessary competencies for the drugs prevention and suppression of the village security unit 2) to study the factors affecting the development of the necessary competencies for the drugs prevention and suppression of the village security unit, and 3) to study the suggestions and guidelines for promoting the development of the necessary competencies for the drugs prevention and suppression of the village security unit. This research applied the Quantitative Research with the Survey Research. The sample was 334 village security unit personnel from the table of Yamane. The tool of this study was the questionnaire with the 0.969 of reliability.  The statistics used frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
          Results of the Research: 1) Overall, the development of the necessary competencies for the drugs prevention and suppression of the village security unit was at the high level. 2) The factors affecting the development of the necessary competencies for the drugs prevention and suppression of the village security unit was at high level. When considering each aspect, it found that the skill was at the highest level. Then, it was the knowledge, motivation, and opinion. The personality was at the least level. Moreover, these factors affected the development of the necessary competencies for the drugs prevention and suppression of the village security unit at 0.01 of statistical significance. And 3) The suggestions and guidelines for promoting the development of the necessary competencies for the drugs prevention and suppression of the village security unit found that the organization should provide the project for training in the knowledge of the village security unit, develop the capability in working such as reviewing the tactics in setting the checkpoint, and provide the material and tools in working such as the reflective suits and the signboards etc.


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How to Cite
Rimmai, S. ., & Dokchan, P. . (2023). Developing the competencies necessary for the prevention and suppression of drugs of the village security unit in Wang Thong District Phitsanulok Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(10), 70–82. Retrieved from
Research Article


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