The Development of Grade 4 students’ Reading Aloud and Spelling Abilities on the Misspelled Words based on Sections through Game Based Learning Management with Graphical Charts techniques

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Wutthichai Khamphirayot
Songphop Khunmathurot


          Currently, teaching and learning management provides students with knowledge, ability, and efficiency. Thai language is a very important subject. Especially in the skills of reading, pronunciation, and spelling. Especially the words that are spelled out according to the spelling section And for students or even the general public, it is often writtenSpelling is due to familiarity with spelling writing incorrectly. And didn't pay enough attention to spelling writing Resulting in writing a mistake And misrepresent the point Including writing the misspellings in that word. Reading and writing skills are necessary.Especially for modern students From a study on these issues, the researchers found that tools that helped develop the ability to read, pronounce, and write spelling. Words that cannot be spelled according to the spelling section of students are management, learning using games. And techniques for using graphic maps Because the game is suitableAccumulated in managing classes, This study aimed to 1) develop the learning plan through games with graphical charts in order to enhance the abilities to read aloud and spell the words that are section misspelled; 2) compare the abilities of reading aloud and writing of those words between before and after the game-based learning management with graphical charts; and 3) discover the level of satisfactions of the students on the certain kind of learning. The participants of the study were 51 students from Grade 4, Semester 2/2022, Naresuan University Demonstration School. The sample groups included 25 students from Grade 4/1, Semester 2/2022, Naresuan University Demonstration School. Simple Random Sampling was employed for the sample selection, through lottery picking. The tools of the study included 1) the learning plan through games with graphical charts in order to enhance the abilities to read aloud and spell the words that were section misspelled; 2) the evaluation of reading aloud and writing abilities about the words that were section misspelled; and 3) the satisfactory evaluation form on the learning management. The statistical data applied in the study were mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.
          The results of the study revealed that 1) the level of appropriateness of learning plan through games with graphical charts in order to enhance the abilities to read aloud and spell the words that were section misspelled was the highest  2) the students’ ability to read aloud and write the words that were section misspelled after the learning was significantly higher than before the learning management .05 and 3) the students’ satisfaction on the learning management through games with graphical charts was high excellent level of satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Khamphirayot , W. ., & Khunmathurot, S. (2023). The Development of Grade 4 students’ Reading Aloud and Spelling Abilities on the Misspelled Words based on Sections through Game Based Learning Management with Graphical Charts techniques. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(10), 39–57. Retrieved from
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