The Conceit comprises from Dhamma subject in the verse of Buddhadasa Phikkhu towards Buddhadasa’s Poetry
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Comparitive Tactics on Buddha ´s Teachings towards Buddhadasa’s Poetry
This paper is a qualitative research. The objective is to study the technique of using the analogy of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu poetry in the series of 12 poems using a form of Thai octaleter poem called ~klon pad ~with 126 stories. This is the information of the first part of the book ~huekordhammanaikumklon (dharma titles in the poetry)~and~ botprapannaikumklonkong siriwayas ( Opus of Siriwayas )~ Analytical concepts are human language - Dharma language concept and comparative thought. The results showed that there are two types of analogy as follows
1. Rhetorical Analogy; there are three types of rhetorical comparison in descending order: Metaphor , personification and similitude ,
2. Phrases Analogy : the comparative type using Dharma language created by the author with Buddhist media through various elements. In this poetry, there are three aspects in descending order, dharma teaching in phrases, dharma teaching in sentences-messages and dharma teaching in words The tactics of using analogy in Buddha Dharma media in the poetry are powerful identities of art created language and literature throughout the poetry. It’s useful knowledge to disseminate the core of Dharma and the using of analogy.
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