A Development of the Four-Tier Misconceptions Diagnostic Test in Chemistry, Chemical Reactions for the Eleventh Grade Students

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Watcharaporn Chantanyakam
Namthip Ongardwanich


          This research aimed to 1) to a develop the four-tier misconceptions diagnostic test in chemistry, chemical reactions for eleventh grade students; 2) to validate the quality of the test; and 3) to identify groups of concepts. The samples were 355 eleventh grade academic year 2022, students of the Secondary educational service area office phetchabun. The four-tier diagnostic test is multiple choice exam that contains answer tier , confidence in answer tier , reasons tier and confidence in reasons tier. which were validated in terms of content validity, difficulty, discrimination power, reliability and identify groups of concepts by the percentage of concept groups and the mean of the confidence level scores. It was found that 1) in the four-tier diagnostic test had 12 misconceptions, 30 questions. 2) the results of the quality of test had an index of item objective congruence (IOC) between 0.60-1.00. The answer step had a difficulty index between 0.35-0.77 and the reasoning step of the test between 0.23-0.73, with a discrimination index between ,the answer step between 0.23-0.69 and the reasoning step between 0.23-0.77, and the reliability by the Kuder-Richardson method (KR 20) ,the answer step had 0.80 and the reasoning step had 0.83. and 3) the results of identify groups of concepts in chemistry,chemical reactions for eleventh grade students, most students belong to misconceptions : The concept of the rate of chemical reactions.

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How to Cite
Chantanyakam, W., & Ongardwanich, N. . . (2023). A Development of the Four-Tier Misconceptions Diagnostic Test in Chemistry, Chemical Reactions for the Eleventh Grade Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(11), 1–17. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/263652
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