The impacts of the working environment and organizational engagement on the performance of university operations staff at Srinakharinwirot University

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Prisana Thipsuwan
Thongfu Siriwongse
Sompon Thungwha


         This research aims to study the working environment and organizational engagement that impact the work performance of operations university staff at Srinakharinwirot University. Samples for the study consisted of 309 operations university staff working at the university. Questionnaires were used as a research instrument, while percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, and multiple linear regression were used as statistical tools.

         The results found that: 1) The majority of respondents were female, aged 35-44, single, holding a bachelor's degree, having 5-10 years of working experience, and earning an average salary of less than 15,001-25,000 baht. Their opinions on the working environment, organizational engagement, and work performance overall were at a high level. 2) The respondents who earned different salaries would have different work performances, especially in the aspects of quality, time, and expense, at the 0.05 significant level. 3) The working environment had an impact on overall work performance. In addition, it was found that job specifications, welfare, social attributes of work, and safety factors had a significant impact on the work performance of the staff. 4) Organizational engagement also had an impact on work performance. Furthermore, affective and normative commitment factors had an impact on the work performance of the staff at a 0.01 significant level.

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How to Cite
Thipsuwan, P., Siriwongse, T., & Thungwha, S. (2023). The impacts of the working environment and organizational engagement on the performance of university operations staff at Srinakharinwirot University. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(12), 382–398. retrieved from
Research Article


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