The Development of Learning Activities by Polyas with Socratic Questioning Techniques to Enhance Mathematical Problem Solving Skills on The Topic of Percentage for Grade 7 Students

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Naruekawin Wattanarat
Chamnan Panawong


           The objectives of this research were 1) To create and find out the efficiency of learning activities by Polyas with Socratic questioning techniques on the topic of percentage with the efficiency value of 75/75. 2) To compare mathematical problem solving skills between before and after learning by Polyas with Socratic questioning techniques on the topic of percentage for grade 7 students. 3) To study the satisfaction about learning activities by Polyas with Socratic questioning techniques on the topic of percentage for grade 7 students. This research procedure comprised of research and development. The sample group was consist 39 grade 7 students of Chainatpittayakom school who were chosen by specific selection method. The instrument tools were learning activities by Polyas with Socratic questioning techniques on the topic of percentage, mathematical problem solving skills tests on the topic of percentage and student satisfaction questionnaire about learning activities by Polyas with Socratic questioning techniques on the topic of percentage for grade 7 students.
The results of this research were as follows:
           1.The result of appropriate learning activities by Polyas with Socratic questioning techniques on the topic of percentage for grade 7 students was in highest levels and the efficiency was 76.56/75.14
           2.Mathematical problem solving skills of grade 7 students after learning by Polyas with Socratic questioning techniques on the topic of percentage was higher than before learning by Polyas with Socratic questioning techniques with statistical significance at the level of .05
           3.The satisfaction of grade 7 students about learning activities by Polyas with Socratic questioning techniques on the topic of percentage was in high levels.

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How to Cite
Wattanarat, N., & Panawong, C. (2023). The Development of Learning Activities by Polyas with Socratic Questioning Techniques to Enhance Mathematical Problem Solving Skills on The Topic of Percentage for Grade 7 Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(12), 103–120. Retrieved from
Research Article


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