The development of English reading comprehension skills exercises by using the tales with SQ4R technique for Grade 6 students of Watthaichumpol Municipality School, Sukhothai Province

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Sudarut Inkrud
Henry Yuh Anchunda


          The majority of students' difficulties with learning English are reading skills, and using the tales with SQ4R technique can assist students improve their reading abilities.
           The purposes of this research is to develop and determine the efficiency of English reading comprehension skills exercises by using the tales with SQ4R technique for Grade 6 students, to compare English reading comprehension achievement by testing before and after learning activity, and to investigate the satisfaction of English reading comprehension skills exercises by using the tales with SQ4R technique for Grade 6 students. The sample was the Grade 6 students used to calculate the cluster sampling of Watthaichumpol Municipality School, Sukhothai Province by 7 weeks of learning. The experimental instruments was the exercises and the lesson plans. The data collection instrument a comprised: the achievement test and the satisfaction questionnaire.The data were analyzed by using Mean, Standard Deviation, the efficiency criterion of 80/80, and t-test dependent.
           The research stated that:
           1) students who learned English reading comprehension skills exercises by using the tales with SQ4R technique were to have a high level suitable and the efficiency was higher than the criterion  (E1 /E2 = 82.79/82.20).

2) The students have computational thinking the post-achievement test mean scores higher than the pre-achievement test at .05 level of significance.

3) The satisfaction of the students learning through English reading comprehension skills exercises by using the tales with SQ4R technique is the highest level.
           It was concluded that using English reading comprehension skills exercises by using the tales with SQ4R technique for Grade 6 students could enhance or improve English reading comprehension.

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How to Cite
Inkrud, S. ., & Yuh Anchunda, H. . (2023). The development of English reading comprehension skills exercises by using the tales with SQ4R technique for Grade 6 students of Watthaichumpol Municipality School, Sukhothai Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(12), 356–364. Retrieved from
Research Article


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