The Development of Multidimensional Essay Test to measure analytical writing skills according to Marzano for students in grade 5

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Naphatsirin Sordjan
Krittayakan Topithak


          The purposes of this research were 1) to develop a multidimensional subjective test to measure analytical writing skills and 2) to examine the quality of a multidimensional subjective test measuring Marzano's analytical writing skills by quantitative research. The sample consisted of 410 students studying at grade 5, semester 2, academic year 2022 under Phitsanulok Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 chosen by multistage random sampling. The tool of this research was a multidimensional subjective test to measure analytical writing skills. The data were analyzed by software packages.
          The results showed that there was a correlation coefficient between the questions between 0.108 to 0.977, and the structural validity by multidimensional analysis method, the deviance ( ) of the multidimensional model equals to -9505.744, the unidimensional model equlas to 18595.07, and the multidimensional and unified analytical writing model had AIC values of 19111.489 and 18973.07 respectively. When analyzing the structural validity of multidimensional model, the  was 11.226, RMR, = 0.015, RMSEA = 0.025 and the reliability ranged from 0.126 to 0.879. The multidimensional subjective test measuring analytical writing was effective in distinguishing between students with different levels of analytical writing skills. The test's average difficulty indicates that the test is challenging and accurately measures analytical writing skills. The distribution of the difficulty parameters of the exam questions varied from 0.19 to 23.37, indicating a wide range of difficulty levels. Teachers can use this information to design future challenging learning arrangements, to accurately measure student skills. It can also be used to identify areas where students may need additional help or advice to improve their analytical writing skills as well.

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How to Cite
Sordjan, N., & Topithak, K. (2024). The Development of Multidimensional Essay Test to measure analytical writing skills according to Marzano for students in grade 5. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 154–170. Retrieved from
Research Article


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