The effect of high-scope experience-enhancing activities on basic mathematical skills of kindergarten 3

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Arunya Bunrak
Sukanda Puntaeak
Jamlonglak Siangsanan
Somjai Phukrongtung


         The objectives of this research were 1) to examine the effects of experiential activities based on the concept of high-scope on basic mathematical skills of kindergarten 3 and 2) to compare the effects of experiential activities based on the high-scope on the basic mathematical skills of kindergarten 3 students before and after the use of activity. The target group was 16 students in Kindergarten 3, Semester 2 of the academic year 2022 obtained by purposive sampling. This research tool is a high-scope experience plan, a mathematics skills assessmentb from, and 3 statistical plans The collected data was subjected to analyse using mean, standard deviation percentage and t-test.
          The results of the research were as follows:
          1. The effect of high-scope experiential activities on the basic mathematical skills of Kindergarten 3 students prior to the use of experiential activities based on the high-scope concept. Early childhood children have low mathematical skills (= 0.73, S.D. = 0.71). After high-scope experiential activities were used, and early childhood children had a high level of mathematical skills (= 3.77, S.D. = 0.86)
          2. A comparison of the use of high-scope experiential activities on basic math skills of Kindergarten 3 students showed statistically significant post-activity mathematical skills at .05.

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How to Cite
Bunrak, A. ., Puntaeak, S., Siangsanan , J. ., & Phukrongtung, S. . (2023). The effect of high-scope experience-enhancing activities on basic mathematical skills of kindergarten 3 . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(5), 239–250. retrieved from
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