The Development of the 5 E’s of Inquiry-based Learning with Rojas’s Problem-solving Strategy to Promote Academic Achievement on Momentum and Collision for Tenth-grade Students

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Nutthapong Pumsiro
Nattakan Prechanban


          The purposes of this research were to 1) create and find out the effectiveness index of the 5 E’s of inquiry-based learning with Rojas’s problem-solving strategy to promote academic achievement on momentum and collision for tenth-grade students according to the criterion, not less than 0.50, 2) to compare academic achievement before and after learning by using the 5 E’s of inquiry-based learning with Rojas’s problem-solving strategy to promote academic achievement on momentum and collision for tenth-grade students, and 3) study the satisfaction of students towards learning by using the 5 E’s of inquiry-based learning with Rojas’s problem-solving strategy to promote academic achievement on momentum and collision for tenth-grade students. The participants were 9 tenth-grade students of the second semester in 2022 at Wangkrotpittaya School chosen by the purposive selection. The research instruments were 5 lesson plans , an achievement test on momentum and collision, 20 items , and a questionnaire measuring students’ satisfaction Rating scale, 12 items . The statistics used for data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test (Dependent Samples).
          The results showed that 1) learning by using the 5 E’s of inquiry-based learning with Rojas’s problem-solving strategy to promote academic achievement on momentum and collision for tenth-grade students was consists of 5 main steps according to the 5E’s of inquiry-based learning management for students to learning and creating knowledge by themselves and applied Rojas's problem-solving strategy, which consists of 6 steps, strategy to promote the physics problem-solving process of students in the 4th step, Elaboration the knowledge of the 5E’s inquiry-based appropriate at a very high level and met the effectiveness index at 0.52, 2) The comparison of academic achievement between before and after learning by using the 5 E’s of inquiry-based learning with Rojas’s problem-solving strategy to promote academic achievement on momentum and collision for tenth-grade students was higher than before at a significance level of 0.05, and 3) the satisfaction of students towards learning by using the 5 E’s of inquiry-based learning with Rojas’s problem-solving strategy to promote academic achievement on momentum and collision for tenth-grade students was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Pumsiro, N., & Prechanban, N. . (2024). The Development of the 5 E’s of Inquiry-based Learning with Rojas’s Problem-solving Strategy to Promote Academic Achievement on Momentum and Collision for Tenth-grade Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 106–124. Retrieved from
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