Patterns for quality development for students in poor families A case study in Roi Et Province

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Chuthathip Pholyiam
Watcharin Sutthisai
Sitthiporn Soonthorn


          The purposes of this research were The objectives of this research were to study 1) to study the level of factors affecting the quality development of students in poor families;  A case study in Roi Et Province. 2) To study the level of quality development of students in poor families. A case study in Roi Et Province. 3) to study the relationship between factors affecting the quality development of students in poor families. A case study in Roi Et Province. 4) To study the equation of factors affecting the quality development of students in poor families. Case study in Roi Et Province. 5) To study the recommendations of factors affecting the quality development of students in poor families. A case study in Roi Et Province.6) To study the model of factors affecting the quality development of students in poor families. A case study in Roi Et Province It was a mixed quantitative and qualitative research. by quantitative research There was a sample group used in the research of 400 people. The sample size was determined according to Yamane's formula. using a questionnaire as a tool Statistics used in data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Test the hypothesis with Pearson's correlation coefficient statistics. Statistical significance at the .05 level and Stepwise multiple regression analysis with statistical significance at the .01 level. The qualitative research used focus group meetings from 18 experts and in-depth interviews. A group of 18 key informants.
          The research results showed that 1) The level of factors affecting the quality development of students in poor families. The overall level of the case study in Roi Et Province was at a high level. 2) The level of quality development for students in poor families. The overall level of the case study in Roi Et Province was at a high level. A case study in Roi Et Province Overall, the overall correlation was at a high level of .861. 4) Factors affecting the quality development of students in poor families. A case study in Roi Et Province, including all 7 characters, can explain the dependent variables. is a factor affecting the quality development of students in poor families The case study in Roi Et Province was 85.00% with R2 = .850 and F equal to 317.327, which was statistically significant at the α .01 level when considering the variables ordered into the equation according to the following relations: is the opportunity factor Scholarship factor Community Cooperation Factors Curriculum factors communication and technology factors social factors and student factors. 5) Other factors affecting the quality of life development of poor students, totaling 9 factors as follows: student support system factors of safety system in educational institutions Factors for enhancing the quality of quality education Factors to create opportunities, equality and equality in education of all ages. Student physical health factors social relationship factors Factors in education management to develop professional skills and increase competency. factors for mental development of students Environmental factors 6) Suggestions on the quality development of students in poor families. A case study in Roi Et Province as follows: Should take care of students in the formal system and also include to the development of dropout students should take care of students who have not completed compulsory education; there should be promotion and preparation of vocational courses The development of the quality of students in poor families requires cooperation from many sectors, including communities, societies, families, schools, in order to help or take care of students to have quality. The government should establish a policy at the local level where poor families are supported by all sectors dealing with poor families.

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How to Cite
Pholyiam, C. . ., Sutthisai , W. ., & Soonthorn, S. . (2024). Patterns for quality development for students in poor families A case study in Roi Et Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 203–217. Retrieved from
Research Article


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