The Development of Mathematics Skill Exercise Based on Polya's Concept on Circles to Enhance Problem-Solving Skills of Grade 6 Students

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Penjan Chaisrisa
Nanthon Bunjongparu


          The objectives of this research were: 1)to create and determine the effectiveness of the mathematics skill exercise based on Polya's concept on circles, with a criterion of 75/75, 2) to compare the mathematics problem-solving skills of Grade 6 students in circles before and after learning by using the mathematics skills exercise based on Polya's concept, and 3)to study the satisfaction of Grade 6 students towards the learning management using the mathematics skill exercise based on Polya's concept on circles. This was experimental research. The sample consisted of 34 grade 6/2 students in the second semester of the academic year 2022 from Wat Taklam School, Prawet District, Bangkok, selected by simple random sampling method. The research tools used were 1) learning management plan, 2) skill practice exercises, 3) tests, and 4) satisfaction questionnaires. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and compared problem-solving skills before and after learning using  t-test statistical analysis.
          The research results revealed  that: 1) The mathematics skill exercise based on Polya's concept on circles for grade 6 students was effective with an efficiency score of 79.14/79.56, higher than the set standard. 2) The mathematics problem-solving skills of Grade 6students in circles after learning by using the mathematics skill exercise based on Polya's concept improved significantly with a statistical significance level of .05. 3) Overall, the grade 6 students were highly satisfied with the mathematics skill exercise on circles based on Polya's concept.

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How to Cite
Chaisrisa, P., & Bunjongparu, N. . (2024). The Development of Mathematics Skill Exercise Based on Polya’s Concept on Circles to Enhance Problem-Solving Skills of Grade 6 Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 52–67. retrieved from
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