A study preparation of the mission Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital to local government organizations in case study of Phitsanulok Provincial Administrative Organization

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Warapron Phongoui
Chot Bodeerat


          The purposes of this research were 1) to study the preparedness level for the mission transfer of Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital to local government organizations, 2) to compare the opinions of government officials on Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital to local governments, classified by personal factors, and 3) to study problems, obstacles and suggestions for the preparedness towards the mission transfer of the Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital of Phitsanulok Provincial Administrative Organization. The study applied mixed method research:  quantitative research comprising 240 government officials with a questionnaire of 0.984 reliability and qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 5 key informants and analyzed into descriptive mode. 
          The findings were as follows:  1. The preparedness towards the Mission Transfer of Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital to Local Government Organizations overall, was at a high level.  2. Comparison the found that officials with different gender, ages, education levels, types/positions, and duration had no different opinions towards the preparedness of the mission transfer of Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital to local organizations.  Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected. 3. Problems, obstacles, and suggestions for the preparedness towards the mission transfer of the Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital of Phitsanulok Provincial Administrative Organization found that the budget received from the transfer was insufficient. The organization would like to ask for assistance from the authorities who have previously supervised the dispatch of officers to assist in the operation; the transfer of sufficient personnel to the public health department first.


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How to Cite
Phongoui, W. ., & Bodeerat, C. . (2024). A study preparation of the mission Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital to local government organizations in case study of Phitsanulok Provincial Administrative Organization. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(2), 44–56. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/264524
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