The development of learning achievement using the experiment package on separation of substances among Matthayomsuksa 2 students of Matthayom Watsuttharam School

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Yaowaluk Naphun
Umporn Watchana


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to create and assess the efficiency of
an experiment package on the separation of substances, 2) to compare pretest and posttest scores of learning achievement using the experiment package on the separation of substances, and 3) to study experimental skills after learning with the experiment package on the separation
of substances. The sample comprised 63 Matthayom 2 students from Matthayom Watsuttharam School in the second semester of the academic year 2022, selected through simple random sampling. The research instruments included 1) the experiment package on the separation
of substances, 2) inquiry-based learning management plans on the separation of substances, 3) a learning achievement test for Science-4 subjects on the separation of substances, and 4) an experimental skills assessment form. Data analysis was conducted to determine
the efficiency of the experiment package based on the criterion standard of 80/80, using mean and percentage. Pretest and posttest learning achievement and posttest experimental skills were analyzed using mean, percentage and standard deviation. Pretest and posttest learning achievement scores were compared using a dependent-sample t-test. Posttest experimental skills based on the experiment package were compared to the constant value of 7.20 using a one-sample t-test. The research results showed that: 1) the experiment package on the separation of substances achieved an efficiency rating of 80.13/80.67, meeting the criterion standard of 80/80, 2) posttest learning achievement using the experiment package on the separation of substances was higher than pretest learning achievement, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level, and 3) students had a good level of experimental skills after learning by using the experiment package on the separation of substances. The mean of experimental skills (X=7.85) was higher than the constant value of 7.20, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level.


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How to Cite
Naphun, Y., & Watchana, U. (2024). The development of learning achievement using the experiment package on separation of substances among Matthayomsuksa 2 students of Matthayom Watsuttharam School. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(2), 73–86. retrieved from
Research Article


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