In Spirit: Creation of Contemporary Instrumental Music

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Kampanat Gatemuan
Satana Rojanatakul
Puriwat Booranakeithsakula


          This research is creative work. The creator was inspired by memo “It was my desire to have my very own space” by Tang Chang. The purpose is to study 1) Create “In Spirit” as contemporary music. 2) Perform with the string combo. Study concepts and theories from literature and research. Collect data through expert interviews by interviews form on language interpretation, Thai music creation and international music creation.
          The results showed that (1) The creative work has a total of 5 Section ABCAB, Time signature, Key signature E minor     , G major, and F minor, Tempo 77 Bpm. The functioning of the melody is a melody that combines the stress of international and Thai original melodies. Using 7 chords and 9 11 13 extension chord. Introduction is on E natural minor scale, represents loneliness. Section A is on the G major scale, represents sensitive. Section B is on the F minor scale, represents power. Section C, the creator wishes to improvise By using the chords of Section A to convey the emotions of the performer. At the end of section C, repeat with section A and end with section B. (2) Creative work In Spirit: Creation of Contemporary Instrumental Music. The creator defined the style of the band that performs with string combo. Which includes drum set, electric bass guitar, electric guitar, piano, trumpet, trombone and tenor saxophone. The main melody is performed by electric guitar. In addition, instruments and music content can be adjusted accordingly.

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How to Cite
Gatemuan, K. ., Rojanatakul , S. ., & Booranakeithsakula, P. . (2024). In Spirit: Creation of Contemporary Instrumental Music. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(2), 87–102. Retrieved from
Research Article


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