Administrative Factors which Affect the Work Performance under the Development Strategies of Phon Sub-district Municipality, Kammuang District, Kalasin Province

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Piyawath Srathong
Somkiet Kietjareon
Watcharin Sutthisai


          The purpose of this study was to study 1) the level of administrative factors which affect the work performance under the development strategies  of Phon Sub-district Municipality; 2) the level of work performance under the development strategies  of Phon Sub-district  Municipality; and 3) the administrative factors which affect the work performance under the development strategies of Phon Sub-district  Municipality. The research tools were questionnaires. The samples   were  294 heads of 294 families or  representatives  in  the area of Phon Sub-district  Municipality calculated by Taro Yamane’s formula, The statistic used were mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient, and Stepwise multiple regression.

                    The results of the research were as follows: 1) The level of  administrative factors which affect the work performance under the development strategies of Phon Sub-district  Municipality. Overall, it was at a high level. 2) The levelwork performance under the development strategies of Phon Sub-district  Municipality. Overall, it was at a high level, 3) The three administrative factors namely planning,  personnel, and budgeting  which affect the work performance  under the development strategies  of Phon Sub-district  Municipality, Kammuang District, Kalasin Province  as a whole was at 63.30 per cent with R2 value at .633 with the statistic significant at .01

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How to Cite
Srathong, P. ., Kietjareon , S. ., & Sutthisai, W. (2024). Administrative Factors which Affect the Work Performance under the Development Strategies of Phon Sub-district Municipality, Kammuang District, Kalasin Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 56–67. retrieved from
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