Development of E-books for Science Subject about Materials around us for Grade 1 Students at Wattaklam School

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Jutamanee Wisessang
Apicha Dangchamroon


          This quasi-experimental research aimed to 1) determine the effectiveness of e-books. 2) Compare the achievement of science subjects on Materials Around Us for Grade 1 students learning with IMTEAC Model and E-book with students learning with IMTEAC Model. The sample used in the research was obtained through simple random sampling, with a sample size of 2 classrooms and 74 students, 1 classroom with 37 students as an experimental group and 1 classroom with 37 students as a control group. Tools used for data collection included: 1) E-books, 2) Learning management plans, and 3) Performance measurement tests with a reliability coefficient of 0.828. Statistical analysis used to analyze the data include: mean, standard deviation, difficulty index, discrimination index, reliability coefficient, and t-test (independent samples)
          The research findings indicated that:
          1) The effectiveness of E-books for teaching the topic "Materials around us" in the Science Subject for Grade 1 students was 82.20/82.50, which met the standard criteria of 80/80.
          2) The academic performance in the the Science subject on "Materials around us" for grade 1 students studied with IMTEAC Model in conjunction with E-books was significantly higher than those who learning with IMTEAC Model methods, with statistical significance at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Wisessang, J., & Dangchamroon, A. (2024). Development of E-books for Science Subject about Materials around us for Grade 1 Students at Wattaklam School. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(2), 183–192. Retrieved from
Research Article


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