The role of the first cooperative in Thailand Wat Chan Cooperative Limited, Phitsanulok Province according to the viewpoint of cooperative members

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Weerawat Worasiriwatthananon
Phasakorn Dokchan


          The purpose of this research was to study the role of the first cooperative in Thailand. Wat Chan Cooperative Limited, Phitsanulok Province According to the viewpoints of cooperative members, 3 aspects are economic, social, political and to study problems and obstacles. Suggestions for the development of cooperative roles This research study uses a quantitative research methodology. Which is a survey research sample group were 400 members of Wat Chan Cooperative Limited, Phitsanulok Province.
          1. Role of Wat Chan Cooperative Limited Phitsanulok Province According to the views of cooperative members The researcher studied economic, social and political development. The overall level was at the highest level. And when considering each aspect, it was found that the role in social development was at the highest level. As for the role in political development and its role in economic development was at a high level.
          2. Problems, obstacles and suggestions, it was found that the most problems and obstacles were Financial transactions must only go to cooperatives, followed by some older members who do not have access to information online. The prices of some agricultural products are highly competitive in the market. Cooperative members have more debts, overdue payment, not a variety of products sold. Some of the products sold are priced close to the market. And the meeting should have a clear time, respectively.

guidelines for economic, social and political development of the Wat Chan Cooperative Limited. From the most important point, it was found that the cooperative should be more widely linked with other agencies. to increase awareness among the general public There was an exchange of goods between each other to generate more income. And the cooperative has a variety of products to sell to its members.

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How to Cite
Worasiriwatthananon, W., & Dokchan, P. . (2024). The role of the first cooperative in Thailand Wat Chan Cooperative Limited, Phitsanulok Province according to the viewpoint of cooperative members. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(2), 269–285. Retrieved from
Research Article


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