Public participation in solid waste management of Bueng Si Fai tourist attractions in MueangPhichit district Phichit province

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Nopphon Insee
kampanart wongwatthanaphong


           The objectives of this research article were to study 1) the level of people's participation in solid waste management, 2) to compare the people's participation in solid waste management, and 3) the people's participatory solid waste management approach. Use the integrated research methodology. during quantitative research The sample group consisted of 363 households, the instrument was a questionnaire, the statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and LSD and qualitative research. There were 8 key informants. The tools were interview forms. Data were analyzed by describing their opinions. Classify data by purpose
           The research findings were as follows: 1) People's participation in the management of solid waste in Overall, it was at a moderate level. 2) People with monthly income. The level of education, occupation, period of residence and knowledge and understanding of waste management were different. Participation in waste management around Bueng Si Fai tourist attraction was different at statistical significance at the .05 level and 3) guidelines for participation in the management of solid waste in the area. There should be activities that promote or cultivate participation. by encouraging children and youth to have a sense of love for the environment Campaign for waste separation at the source persuading people in the community to organize cleaning activities improve the landscape around tourist attractions and allow tourists to participate in waste management around tourist attractions

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How to Cite
Insee, N. ., & wongwatthanaphong, kampanart. (2024). Public participation in solid waste management of Bueng Si Fai tourist attractions in MueangPhichit district Phichit province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 1–11. Retrieved from
Research Article


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