The Community Participation in the Management of Economic Forests in the area Nong Kathao Subdistrict, NakhonThai District, Phitsanulok Province.

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Teerapol Kiawlueang
kampanart wongwatthanaphong


           The objectives of this research article were to study 1) the level of community participation in managing economic forests in the area, 2) the level of knowledge, understanding and obtaining information. of communities in the management of economic forests in the area using quantitative research methods The sample group consisted of 236 people in the community. The sample group was determined from the finished tables of Crazy and Morgan. The tool was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using statistics: frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows: 1) community participation in managing economic forests in Nong Kathao sub-district Overall, they were at a high level. 2) Most of the people were informed about the community's information and received information about the economic forest from time to time (two months/time) from the village news tower. in the matter of medicinal plants and the gathering of forest products Neither had received information in the past 1 year before the announcement of the Forest Plantation Act 2015, but attended a village meeting to hear information once every 5 months and wanted to receive more information about economic forests. and have a level of knowledge Understanding of economic forest management The overall level is very good.

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How to Cite
Kiawlueang, T. ., & wongwatthanaphong, kampanart. (2024). The Community Participation in the Management of Economic Forests in the area Nong Kathao Subdistrict, NakhonThai District, Phitsanulok Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 30–41. Retrieved from
Research Article


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