The Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance in Commercial Banks of China: The Mediating Role of Motivation

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Hongjun Dong
Pratikshya Bhandari


          The research aims to study the mediating effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the relationship between reward and employee performance in the commercial bank of China.  The researcher used the qualitative method to analyze the data.  The data were collected from 407 employee of commercial bank via sampling stratified random sampling.  The data were analyzed by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software, AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) software. The findings shows that there is a positive and significant relationship among rewards, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and employee performance. Correspondingly, there is mediation role of intrinsic motivation in the relationship between rewards and employee performance. Similarly, there is mediation role of extrinsic motivation in the relationship between rewards and employee performance.  

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How to Cite
Dong , H. ., & Bhandari, P. . (2024). The Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance in Commercial Banks of China: The Mediating Role of Motivation. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 429–440. Retrieved from
Research Article


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