A Comparative Study of Learning Achievement between E-Books and Traditional Methods in History Subject of Grade 8 Students

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Wilaiphon Rotkaeo
Oranuch Limtasiri


          The objectives of this research were 1) to create and improve the efficiency of  electronic books (e-book) on the topic of the Historical Asia Development in the subject of History for Grade 8 students, based on the standard criteria of 80/80. 2) To compare the academic performance between pretest and posttest of students studying with electronic books (e-books). 3) To compare the academic performances between pretest and posttest of students studying with traditional methods. 4) To compare the academic performances of students studying between electronic books (e-books) and traditional methods. The sample respondent was Grade 8 students in second semester of the 2022 academic year from Matthayom Banbangkapi school Bangkok, Thailand. For research methodology, the sample selection method, purposive sampling was used in this study which grade 8 section 4 students as the experimental group and grade 8 section 5 students as the control group, with 30 students in each classroom. The research tools used were 1) Electronic books (e-books). 2) Lesson plans for E-book. 3) Lesson plane for Traditional Methods and 4) Achievement Tests. The statistical data analyzation used in this study included the mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test, and independent t-test.
          The research findings of study were :
          1) The efficiency of E-book on the Historical Development Asia for grade 8 students indicated value at 81.10/82.07 which met the The following were the criteria standard.
         2) The posttest of learning achievement of E-book methods was significantly higher than the pretest at .05 level.
          3) The posttest of learning achievement of traditional methods was significantly higher than the pretest at .05 level.

4) The Posttest of learning achievement of E-book methods was significantly higher than the posttest of traditional methods at .05 level.


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How to Cite
Rotkaeo, W., & Limtasiri, O. . . (2024). A Comparative Study of Learning Achievement between E-Books and Traditional Methods in History Subject of Grade 8 Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 81–92. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/265997
Research Article


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