The Chinese Piano Accompaniment Course and Teaching Materials

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Gao Chang
Kanit Sripaoraya


          Piano accompaniment is a comprehensive course that integrates piano performance skills and accompaniment theory and is very practical. It mainly cultivates students' basic piano playing skills, theory and skills of piano impromptu accompaniment, harmony application ability, song analysis ability, stave Accompaniment analysis ability, ability to accurately grasp the emotion of songs, innovation ability and other qualities are compulsory courses with the most core value for music education majors, and also one of the important auxiliary means for teaching work. Judging from the overall teaching status of piano improvisational accompaniment courses for music education majors, because the musical instruments students have learned before entering school are not all pianos, many students have weak keyboard foundations, cannot reasonably arrange harmony, and the harmony connection is too random. It is a problem to be solved in the study of this course. How to cultivate the improvisational accompaniment ability of students majoring in music education simply and efficiently is a problem that many accompaniment teachers have been exploring in their thinking and teaching for many years. In traditional teaching, due to the concept that the level of piano performance is higher than that of piano accompaniment, more attention is paid to the training of piano performance skills and the cultivation of piano impromptu accompaniment ability is underestimated. This makes some students unable to fully adapt to the needs of the improvisational accompaniment ability in the actual teaching work after work, showing that they do not have good practical ability in the process of classroom teaching and extracurricular activity guidance.

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How to Cite
Chang , G. ., & Sripaoraya, K. . (2024). The Chinese Piano Accompaniment Course and Teaching Materials. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 451–461. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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