Human Resource Management Innovation in the Digital Age for the Government Sector

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Nawanwat Khangkhan
Nantachaporn Pongsopon
Kampanart Wongwatthanaphong


          When the world had changed more and more in technology, it was considered as an era of transition to digital age and in order to achieve success as the organization aims, this article therefore proposed to study the human resource management innovations in the digital age for the government sector.It was found that the management of human resources in the digital age for the government sector was developed by bringing technology to connect together; using the internet network, an application system to manage and develop human resources in the government sector such as Telepresence, Web Conference, Social media system, etc.The government organizations could use technology to manage and develop, resulting in convenient, faster and more modern work, which leaded to efficiency and effectiveness accordingly.

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How to Cite
Khangkhan, N., Pongsopon, N., & Wongwatthanaphong, K. . (2024). Human Resource Management Innovation in the Digital Age for the Government Sector. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 485–497. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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