Guidelines for Health and Safety Promotion of Human Resources in the Organization

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Punthanunt Thawonrasak
Wannipa Jeentajun
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


        The purpose of this article was to study the guidelines for health and safety promotion of human resources in the organization which found that the human resources was one of the most important aspects of the organization's health and safety operations, therefore, there should be support and cooperation from all parties, including the organization and superior executives who must seriously participate and act as a good role model in terms of safety and health by following 3 guidelines: promoting health and safety according to the role of executives, formulating a health and safety plan, and organizing a health and safety promotion project. This was to make the organization's human resources a healthy organization that would create a positive image and enable people with high knowledge to work with the organization as well.

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How to Cite
Thawonrasak, P., Jeentajun, W., & Rojanatrakul, T. . (2024). Guidelines for Health and Safety Promotion of Human Resources in the Organization. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 498–510. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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