The Results of the use of Mathematics Skills Practice Together With the Ace Learning Management of Grade 6 Students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level)

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Anchalee Bunjantuek
Kittisak Siengdee


           This research was quasi-experimental research of a One Group Pretest Posttest Design Model and were with the purposes: (1) To compare learning achievement before and after learning of mathematics skills practice together with the ACE learning management of Grade 6 students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level).  And (2) To study the satisfaction of Grade 6 students towards the learning management by using the mathematics skills practice together with the ACE learning management. The sample group used in this research were students of Grade 6 students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level), first semester, academic year 2023 of 33 students, obtained by Cluster random sampling. The instruments of research are mathematics skills practice, a test of academic achievement before and after learning, and an evaluation form used to measure the degree of satisfaction with the mathematics skills practice together with the ACE learning management. Data were analyzed using mean ( ), standard deviation (S.D.) statistics, and dependent t-test techniques were also used by the instructor.
           The results of this research indicated that:
           1. Learning achievement of the Grade 6 students after learning by using mathematics skills practice together with the ACE learning management was higher than before learning and significant at .05 level.
           2. The students were satisfied with the learning management by using the mathematics skills practice together with the ACE learning management at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Bunjantuek, A., & Siengdee , K. (2024). The Results of the use of Mathematics Skills Practice Together With the Ace Learning Management of Grade 6 Students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level). Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 112–127. retrieved from
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