Effects of Collaborative Learning on Thai EFL Primary Learners’s Vocabulary Knowledge

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Sakolsupa Harnsamer
Intisarn Chaiyasuk


           Collaborative learning (CL) is a teaching technique which the students work in a small group and use to enhance their understanding in a subject. This study examined the effect of collaborative learning on vocabulary and sought to explore participants’ perception toward CL techniques. Twenty Thai EFL students were the participants in this study. Their aged ranged between 11 and 12 years old. They had studied English for more than five years, and none of them had studied English in an English-speaking country. Three research instruments were employed to collect the data: a vocabulary test, a questionnaire, and a semi-structure interview. The quantitative data were analyzed using t-test, standard deviation, mean, and percentage.
           The results showed that the CL techniques could enhance vocabulary knowledge among Thai EFL grade six students. And the overall mean score of the students’ perception questionnaire was 4.07. Therefore, the qualitative findings supported the benefits of CL techniques and the positive perception toward the CL techniques. Overall, the present study results support the benefits of collaborative learning on vocabulary knowledge, and CL techniques also improved Thai EFL grade six students’ perception toward vocabulary knowledge.

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How to Cite
Harnsamer, S., & Chaiyasuk, I. . . (2024). Effects of Collaborative Learning on Thai EFL Primary Learners’s Vocabulary Knowledge. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(5), 128–140. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/267318
Research Article


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