The Research of the Impact of Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility on Purchase Intention

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Li Huimin


          Based on consumers' mentality, taking values as the starting point, this study deduces the process of perceptions of corporate social responsibility(PCSR) affecting consumers' psychological cognition and changes, aiming to explore the internal mechanism of PCSR on customers' purchase intentions. To this objective, this paper establishes a SOR model of the relationship between  PCSR、moral identity and purchase intention.
          Analyzing the data collected from 46 alternative corporates in China ,the paper finds that PCSR positively affects customers' purchase intention, and in this process, the explicit dimension of moral identity has a mediating role. It is found that in the relationship between moral identity and customers' purchase intention, consumer attribution has a moderating effect.

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How to Cite
Huimin, L. . (2024). The Research of the Impact of Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility on Purchase Intention. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 394–414. retrieved from
Research Article


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