The Communication for the Development of Community Well-Being Along with the Literary Path of Niratsuri Horipuchai
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The literature of Niratsan Hariphunchai holds historical significance, attracting people and various communities to engage in professions and business activities, such as local governance, trade, restaurants, and lodging. Communication within these communities is vital for generating benefits and minimizing negative impacts. A combined quantitative and qualitative research effort involving 60 participants revealed significant correlations (at the 0.05 significance level) among different dimensions of well-being:
1. Physical wellness correlates with emotional wellness (P-value 0.011).
2. Emotional wellness correlates with spiritual wellness (P-value 0.011).
3. Spiritual wellness correlates with intellectual wellness (P-value 0.045).
4. Social wellness correlates with career wellness (P-value 0.006).
Based on this research, communication strategies have been developed to enhance the well-being dimensions in the community along the Niratsan Hariphunchai route. Emphasis is placed on communication starting from the message sender, such as promoting physical health, emotional well-being, spiritual health, intellectual wellness, career advancement, and social development. This approach is expected to benefit the economy and society of both the country and the world in the future.
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