The Relationship Between Teachers and Administration by Good Governance for Schools Administrators on Commitment Towards the Teachers in Nakhon Sawan Secondary Educational Service Area

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Sakdipong Suphirak


           The objectives of this research were  1) to study the linear structural equation relationship of good governance towards the engagement of teachers under the Nakhon Sawan Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2) to study the relationship of good governance to the engagement of teachers under the Nakhon Sawan Secondary Educational Service Area Office Governance towards the management of educational institution administrators 3) To study the direct influence of trust on teachers' engagement in the Nakhon Sawan Secondary Educational Service Area. This research is a combination of qualitative research and quantitative research. The research sample consisted of 340 people, including educational institution administrators. Teachers and educational personnel by using a specific random sample of schools in the secondary education network of Nakhon Sawan Province, 1,677 student and in-depth interviews. Statistics used in the research include: 1) percentage, mean, standard deviation. Pearson's simple coefficient Structural equation modeling analysis techniques 2) Qualitative data content analysis
           The results of the research found that: 1. The top 2 most influential variables were: Administrators punish fairly. and promote subordinates. The standard regression coefficients were equal to 0.745 and .648, respectively. As for the work practices of executives, it was found that the top two most influential variables were following the law with a value of 0.636, and executives respecting the law with a value of 0.638. and in the management aspect, it was found that the top 2 most influential variables are: Proper administration with a value of 0.640; Acting as a good role model with a value of 0.646. In terms of teacher organization engagement, the top 2 are with a value of 0.627

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How to Cite
Suphirak , S. . (2024). The Relationship Between Teachers and Administration by Good Governance for Schools Administrators on Commitment Towards the Teachers in Nakhon Sawan Secondary Educational Service Area. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(7), 179–190. retrieved from
Research Article


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