Guidelines for the 21st Century Skills Development of Personnelof the Provincial Prison in Region 7

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Sopon Klunsakul
Thanasin Janthadech


           The researcher is interested in studying the Guidelines for the 21st Century Skills Development of Personnel of the Provincial Prison in Region 7that will lead to the effective development of skills and knowledge in the work of personnel. Therefore, the study was conducted the mix-method research aimed to study (1) the level of the 21st Century skills development of personnel of the Provincial Prisons in Region 7, (2) a correlation between factors affecting the 21st Century skills development of personnel of the Provincial Prisons in Region 7, (3) a relationship between factors affecting the 21st Century skills development and the 21st Century skills development of Personnel of the Provincial Prisons in Region 7, and (4) guidelines for developing the 21st Century skills of personnel of the Provincial Prisons in Region 7. The sample groups consisted of 202 personnel working for the Provicial Prisons in Region 7 and 9 key informants by using probability sampling and a simple random sampling method.
           Finding: (1) as a whole, the level of the 21st Century skill development of personnel of the provincial prisons in Region 7 was at a high level, (2) there was no correlation between factors affecting the 21st Century skills development and the 21st Century skills development, (3) there were relationships between factors affecting the 21st Century skills development in terms of success, career path, and job characteristics at the statistically significant level of 0.001 and there was no relationship for being respected and opportunity to take responsibility factors, and (4)guidelines for developing the 21st Century skills of Personnel of the Provincial Prisons in Region 7 were revealed that the prisons should:  create integrated brainstorming, encourage personnel to express ideas, respect work colleagues, be flexible, and learn to use new technology to work operation.

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How to Cite
Klunsakul, S., & Janthadech, T. . . (2024). Guidelines for the 21st Century Skills Development of Personnelof the Provincial Prison in Region 7. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(6), 130–145. Retrieved from
Research Article


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