The Satisfaction of People Towards Public Service of MahaSarakham Provincial Administrative Organization Fiscal Year 2023

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Sodsai Thammarat
Thantikan Khamwisettanathon
Sitthiporn Soonthorn
Ratchanida Saiyaros
Sathitkoon Boonruan
Paphawarin Thawasaen


         The purposes of the study were 1) to study the level of the Satisfaction of People Towards Public Service of Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization Fiscal Year 2023,  2)  To study the relationship between personal factors and public services of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the fiscal year 2023, and 3) To study recommendations for the management operations of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the fiscal year 2023. This study is a quantitative research. The research instruments were the questionnaires, where the sample was 777,509 citizens aged 18 years and over.  The researcher used Taro Yamane's calculations to calculate the sample group, which resulted in 400 people. The statistic used were average, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient.
         The results shown that 1) The level of People's satisfaction with the public services of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the fiscal year 2023 was in high level, 4 projects, overall, at the highest level, 2) The relationship between personal factors and publicservice of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization, the overall positive correlation was at a very low level of .003. and 3) Suggestions of the people regarding the public services of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the fiscal year 2023 as follows: 1) Services for welfare recipients in the Maha Sarakham Province Home for the Elderly include: The Maha Sarakham Provincial Elderly Home is located far from the hospital, so the welfare center requires a medical facility or nurse to provide treatment. 2) The work of receiving notifications and issuing emergency medical orders includes: Center staff must be experienced and capable of actually helping disaster victims to safety. 3) Tax collection work includes training staff to have knowledge and expertise in technology and information to be used in language storage systems that will make it faster. and 4) Disaster relief work includes assessing damage and providing assistance to disaster victims in accordance with the regulations and criteria set by the Ministry of Finance.

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How to Cite
Thammarat, S. ., Khamwisettanathon, T. ., Soonthorn, S. ., Saiyaros, R. ., Boonruan , S. ., & Thawasaen, P. . (2023). The Satisfaction of People Towards Public Service of MahaSarakham Provincial Administrative Organization Fiscal Year 2023. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(10), 435–450. retrieved from
Research Article


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