The Role of Artistic Elements in the Development of Ecotourism in Overseas Chinese Villages in Meizhou

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Zeng DongRong
Pichai Sodbhiban


          This paper takes the overseas Chinese village of Meizhou as the research object, and discusses the role of art elements in the development of ecotourism in Meizhou overseas Chinese village. Through literature research, field investigation, in-depth interview and other methods, combined with SWOT analysis of the cultural heritage characteristics of Meizhou overseas Chinese village, the application of art elements in ecotourism methods and effects are discussed. It is found that artistic elements play an important role in ecotourism of overseas Chinese villages in Meizhou, which can enhance the attraction of tourist attractions, inherit and carry forward local culture, promote community development and enhance tourist experience. This paper provides theoretical support and practical reference for the ecotourism development of overseas Chinese villages in Meizhou.

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How to Cite
DongRong , Z. ., & Sodbhiban, P. . (2023). The Role of Artistic Elements in the Development of Ecotourism in Overseas Chinese Villages in Meizhou. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(10), 561–577. Retrieved from
Research Article


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