Local Administrative Organizations : Guidelines for Promoting Sustainable Solid Waste Management
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Garbage problems are an important problem in the country and tend to become more serious every year. It is an environmental problem caused by various human activities. Therefore, this academic article aims to provide guidelines or processes to promote waste management of local government organizations for people to practice or apply to achieve sustainability. n Which from the study found that Local government organizations should divide operations into 3 phases: 1) upstream, which is promoting knowledge according to the 3R principles to the people, 2) midstream, which is supporting the integration of local government organizations. To create a solid waste management center that is clearly appropriate and fully integrated. 3) Downstream is to create cooperation between the public and private sectors to take action in bringing solid waste left over from integrated community solid waste management. The implementation of these three phases will be beneficial to the waste management of local administrative organizations. To create a quality and orderly environment in local government organizations in order to provide maximum benefit to society.
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