Management Approach for Hybrid Working Efficiency

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yuwadee leenoy
Panuschagone Simakhajornboon


        This research aims to study 1) the meaning of hybrid working in the Thai context, 2) the management approach for hybrid working efficiency, and 3) the problems and obstacles of hybrid working. It is qualitative research using phenomenological methods and in-depth interviews with key informants who are customer and supplier liaison employees and the human resources department. There were 20 keys informant interviewed and saturated data. Triangulation is a reliability data check. The researcher is a research tool along with taking notes, Tape recording, and data analysis using content analysis from the recorded interviews. The results found that 1) Hybrid working in Thai context refers to working in the office and working from home or anywhere with information technology. Flexible time and work location choice create a balance between personal life and work. Helps increase efficiency and employee commitment to the organization and make operations more efficient 2) Management approach for efficiency hybrid work explained by systems theory 2.1) Input factors, include adequate and ready-to-use information technology, and selecting appropriate people to work in the organization 2.2) Process, including human resource practices, personnel development using a remote system and personnel work tracking 2.3) Results, include work quantity, work quality, and quality of working life. 3) Problems and obstacles include noise and interference, space limitations, restrictions on electronic signatures, the challenge of adapting and the challenges of remote authentication.

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How to Cite
leenoy, yuwadee, & Simakhajornboon , P. . (2023). Management Approach for Hybrid Working Efficiency. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(11), 67–85. Retrieved from
Research Article


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