Factors Influencing Intention to Stay of Government Employees in Chatuchak Bangkok

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Andaman Wattanavarangkul
Phrutsaya Piyanusorn


           The research objective was to 1) Study factors influencing the intention to stay in Chatuchak Bangkok government employees. 2) Guideline for developing and managing human resources in the organization. This research was quantitative. The sample consisted Chatuchak Bangkok government employees, 400 people. Collected data by questionnaire. Analyze data from frequency, percentage, mean, and enter multiple linear regression. Analyzed content from quantitative data and suggestions of the sample to determine guidelines for developing and managing human resources in the organization.
            The research found: 1) Motivation factors for performance Responsibility had a positive influence on the intention to stay in Chatuchak Bangkok government employees. 2) Hygiene factors in the performance of 2 aspects, relationship with colleagues and compensation and welfare have a positive influence on the intention to stay Chatuchak Bangkok government employees. 3) Guidelines for developing and managing human resources in the organization, consists of two approaches: Use motivation factors by (1) developing operational skills (2) recognizing successful perform government employees (3) clearly delegating tasks and responsibilities (4) providing opportunities for creative performance and (5) fair salary increases or compensation. Use hygiene factors by (1) flexibility in management (2) supervisors and government employees relationships (3) relationships among colleagues (4) providing job stability (5) developing the working environment and (6) promoting compensation and welfare.

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How to Cite
Wattanavarangkul, A. ., & Piyanusorn, P. . (2024). Factors Influencing Intention to Stay of Government Employees in Chatuchak Bangkok. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(6), 79–90. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/268681
Research Article


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