The Roles of Administrators for Affecting the Management of Learning Resources Within Schools Under the Office of Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area

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Panupong Noochan
Wichian Intarasompun
Supattarasak Khamsamart


           This research is descriptive. The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of roles of educational institution administrators. 2) to study the level of management of learning resources within educational institutions and 3) to study the role of administrators that affect the management of learning resources within educational institutions under the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. The sample group used in this research consisted of 340 teachers from a population of 2,273 people by using stratified random sampling. according to population proportion the research tools include a questionnaire (IOC=.985). Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D.) and Stepwise multiple regression analysis.
          The results of the research found that 1) the role level of educational institution administrators Under the jurisdiction of the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office Overall, the average is at a high level. 2) Level of management of learning resources within educational institutions Under the jurisdiction of the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office Overall, the average is at a high level. 3) The role of administrators that affects the management of learning resources within educational institutions. Under the jurisdiction of the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office Statistically significant at the .01 level with a multiple correlation coefficient of .690, the variable with the highest predictive influence. namely, the mentor side (X4), the facilitator side (X1), the promoter side (X5), and the evaluator side (X2) are a factor that affects the management of learning resources within educational institutions. Under the jurisdiction of the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office It has statistical significance at the .01 level and can predict the management of learning resources within educational institutions. Under the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office, got 47.60 %.

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How to Cite
Noochan, P. ., Intarasompun, W. ., & Khamsamart , S. . (2024). The Roles of Administrators for Affecting the Management of Learning Resources Within Schools Under the Office of Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(7), 279–292. retrieved from
Research Article


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