A Study of Mathematics Learning Achievement on Pythagorean Theorem of Grade 8 Students That Were Taught Using Multimedia Teaching Set and Normal Teaching

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Thanwarat Suwapat
Umporn Wutchana


          This study was an experimental research. The purposes were: 1.) To develop and test the efficiency of a multimedia teaching set on Pythagorean Theorem for grade 8 students with the 80/80 efficiency index; 2.) To compare the mathematics learning achievement on Pythagorean Theorem between grade 8 students that were taught using multimedia teaching set and normal teaching; 3.) To study the satisfaction toward multimedia teaching set on Pythagorean Theorem of grade 8 students. The samples were 14 grade 8 students of Ban Klongnake school, Chumphon who enrolled in the first semester of academic year 2023, and the control group who were taught using normal teaching were 22 grade 8 students who enrolled in the first semester of academic year 2023. Both groups were selected using the school as a sampling unit. The research instruments used for this research were: 1.) 5 sets of multimedia teaching set on Pythagorean Theorem; 2.) 10 sets of 5Es instructional model lesson plan; 3.) A 30-items objective achievement test on Pythagorean theorem; 4.) A rating-scale questionnaire asking the subjects’ satisfaction toward multimedia teaching set on Pythagorean Theorem which consisted of 20 items. The data was analyzed to find the mean, standard deviation, and t-test on independent variables. The results of the study revealed that:
          1.) The efficiency level of multimedia teaching set on Pythagorean Theorem was 80.64/80.27, which meets 80/80 criterion.
          2.) The mathematics learning achievement of grade 8 students that were taught using multimedia teaching set on Pythagorean theorem were significantly higher than those of students who were taught using normal teaching at the .05 level.
          3.) The satisfaction toward multimedia teaching set on Pythagorean Theorem of grade 8 students was at highest level.            (  = 4.60, S.D = 0.20)

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How to Cite
Suwapat, T., & Wutchana, U. . (2024). A Study of Mathematics Learning Achievement on Pythagorean Theorem of Grade 8 Students That Were Taught Using Multimedia Teaching Set and Normal Teaching. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(7), 31–45. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/269164
Research Article


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