The quality of work life affecting the organizational commitment of teachers under Samut Sakhon primary education service area office

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Sasithon Kunai
Somchai Chavalitthada
Wichian Intarasompun


          This research is descriptive. The objectives of this research were 1) the quality of work life of teachers, 2) the organizational commitment of teachers and 3) relationship  between the  quality of work  life  and the organizational commitment of teachers under  Samut Sakhon primary education service area office. The samples used in the study were 337 people from a population of 2,147 people by stratified random sampling of the population. The researcher instruments were a questionnaire. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation and multiple regression analysis.
           The results indicated that 1) the quality of work life level of teachers under  Samut Sakhon primary educational service area office was at a high level, 2) the organizational commitment level of teachers under Samut Sakhon primary educational service area office was at a high level and 3) the quality of work life and the organizational commitment of teachers under Samut Sakhon primary educational service area office has statistical significance at the 0.1 level and multiple correlations equal .955. The data revealed that the most influential variables in the research are adequate and fair compensation, safe and healthy work environment, development of human capacities, constitutionalism, and social integration. The factors mentioned above are considered factors that affect the organizational commitment of teachers under Samut Sakhon primary educational service area office has statistical significance at the 0.1 and can extrapolate teachers’s organizational commitment under Samut Sakhon primary educational service area office is 91.10 percent.

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How to Cite
Kunai, S. ., Chavalitthada , S. ., & Intarasompun, W. . (2024). The quality of work life affecting the organizational commitment of teachers under Samut Sakhon primary education service area office. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 449–464. retrieved from
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