A Study on the Influence of Social Media Marketing of Tourists Purchasing Intention

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Liu Mingming
Shao Zhen


          Based on the actual background of social media marketing, this paper discusses the impact of social media marketing on tourists' purchase intention by taking perceived value and flow as the intermediary bridge between tourism marketing content, Internet celebrity characteristics (including Internet celebrity attraction, reliability and professionalism) and tourists' purchase intention. 537 valid samples were obtained by sending questionnaires, and then the data were analyzed by SPSS26.0 and Amos26.0 to further verify the research hypothesis.
          The conclusions of this paper are as follows: Marketing content, Internet celebrity reliability and Internet celebrity professionalism have significant positive effects on tourists' perceived value, flow and purchase intention; Perceived value and flow play a chain mediating role among marketing content, Internet celebrity reliability,Internet celebrity professionalism and purchase intention. Internet celebrity attraction positively affects tourists' flow and purchase intention; flow plays a significant mediating role between Internet celebrity attraction and purchase intention. Based on the above research conclusions, this paper puts forward marketing strategies and suggestions for tourism enterprises and merchants to effectively improve tourists' purchase intention, which can help them more accurately obtain and clarify tourists' psychological demands and attitudes, and further enhance their purchase intention.

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How to Cite
Mingming , L. ., & Zhen, S. . (2024). A Study on the Influence of Social Media Marketing of Tourists Purchasing Intention. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 412–428. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/269655
Research Article


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