Analyze Elements of Thai Television Dramas 2017 – 2022 Outstandingly Presenting Stories of Trading of Thai-Chinese People by the Dramatism Theory of Kenneth Burke

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Yan Liu
Patcharin Buranakorn


          This documentary research aims to analyze elements of Thai television dramas, 2017 – 2022, outstandingly presenting stories of trading of Thai-Chinese people by the Dramatism Theory of Kenneth Burke.  Eight Thai television dramas, broadcasting during 2017 to 2022, are selected and studied as the sample group.
          According to the five elements of Dramatism Theory of Kenneth Burke, the research findings are as the following.  1) Act in communicating trade of Thai-Chinese people, mainly in the form of a syndicate or an association, trading agricultural products.  2) Scene of trading, focusing on stores and factories.  3) Agent of trading, including traders and competitors.                4) Agency in trading, both the internal and external studied.  5) Purpose of trading, for earning incomes and gaining inspiration found.

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How to Cite
Liu , Y. ., & Buranakorn, P. . (2024). Analyze Elements of Thai Television Dramas 2017 – 2022 Outstandingly Presenting Stories of Trading of Thai-Chinese People by the Dramatism Theory of Kenneth Burke. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 146–163. retrieved from
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