Development of Academic Achievement in English Subject of Grade 3 Students at Ban NongKhlongNongTum School Using English Language Skills Enhancement Exercises

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Wilailuck Pongsa


          The purpose of this research were  to : 1) develop effective English skill enhancement  exercises based on the 80/80 standard; and 2) compare the pre - and post  performance  of  third grade students who use English skills enhancement  exercises to enhance their practice and learning. The target group used in the research was  the third grade students at Ban Nong Khlong Nong Thum School. Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, Nong Song Hong District, Khon Kaen Province, Semester 1, Academic Year 2023, 12 people, conducted an experiment using One Group Pretest and Posttest Design.The tools used in the research were English language skills training exercises, 14  lesson plans (1 hour per plan), and English language learning achievement  test. The statistics used were  averages, standard deviation, percentage, and  t-test. The results of the research  were found  that: 1) The efficiency of the English language skills training exercises of  third grade students had an efficiency of 82.24/80.08, which  met the set  criteria, and 2) The  posttest of English  of third grade  students using language skills enhancement exercises was higher than pretest, with statistically  significance at  .05 level.

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How to Cite
Pongsa, W. (2024). Development of Academic Achievement in English Subject of Grade 3 Students at Ban NongKhlongNongTum School Using English Language Skills Enhancement Exercises. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 181–192. retrieved from
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