Extending The Identity of Local Health Wisdom For New Normal of Wellness Tourism in Hua Suea Sub-Distric, Khukhan Distric, Sisaket Province

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Parichat Phongkhla


           The research aimed to study the identity of local health wisdom in Hua Suea Sub-District, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province, and to study the approaches to extend the identity of local health wisdom for new normal of wellness tourism in Hua Suea Sub-District, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province. The research was a qualitative research. Proceeding of data collection from target groups through purposive selectiction. The research tools had included interview guide with 14 community leaders from 14 villages, group discussion guide with 6 total people were local philosophers, village volunteers and sub-district doctors, as well as brainstorming guide with 9 total people were representative of local health wisdom types, agencies involved in wellness tourism included traditional Thai medicine doctors from Hua Suea Sub-District Promotion Hospital, Khukhan District Community Development Office, Sisaket Provincial Tourism and Sport Office. Data analysis of this research focused on qualitative data analysis.
           The research found that the local health wisdom in Hua Suea Sub-District could be classified into four types: 1) food and beverage, 2) landscaping around the house, 3) physical exercise, and 4) local healers. The approaches to extend the identity of local health wisdom in Hua Suea sub-district consistent with new normal of wellness tourism were four methods: 1) landscaping around the community to be a natural learning resource and places to relax. 2) Applying community culture to create health tourism activities. 3) Applying local natural resources that had medicinal properties and had consumed as food to create products for health tourism and services that had linked to local health wisdom of the Khmer ethnic group. 4) Establishment of a wellness tourism learning center.

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How to Cite
Phongkhla, P. (2024). Extending The Identity of Local Health Wisdom For New Normal of Wellness Tourism in Hua Suea Sub-Distric, Khukhan Distric, Sisaket Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(7), 305–322. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/270295
Research Article


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