The Analysis of Application for 3d Printing Technology in the Teaching of Stage Art Design

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Lin Ma
Thanawan Phognsatha


          The research objectives were to 1) To determine the impact of applying 3D printing technology on student performance in the teaching of stage art design courses; 2) To identify the effectiveness of 3D printing technology when it is used in the teaching of stage art design courses.
          The population of the study was undergraduate students majoring in theatre, film, and television art design at Shanxi Communication University in China. The sample size of 60 students were drawn from the population. The sample was divided into two groups, which 30 of them were purposely assigned to the experimental group to receive a 5-week 3D printing teaching and learning intervention. The other 30 students were assigned in the control group, which has been taught in the traditional teaching method. A quasi-experimental research design was used in this study to compare the differences in proportion, design, quality, total score, and performance between 3D printing technology and traditional teaching modes in the stage art and design course. The performance test on the skills was developed by the institution, which has been used across the institution has been applied. In addition, a questionnaire was used to measure student' attitudes towards 3D printing technology after the experimental group completed the course.
          The results revealed that the independent sample t-test indicated that the students taught by  using 3D printing technology showed statistically significant improvement in the scores of proportions, design, quality, total score, and performance compared to the traditional teaching method. Additionally, the experimental group students expressed positive attitudes towards the use of 3D printing technology in learning. In conclusion, the use of 3D printing technology in the stage arts design course promotes progress in students' practical skills and knowledge acquisition. This investigation provides empirical insights into blended learning in a university stage art design course.

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How to Cite
Ma, L. ., & Phognsatha, T. . (2024). The Analysis of Application for 3d Printing Technology in the Teaching of Stage Art Design . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 465–483. retrieved from
Research Article


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