The Online Chinese Learning Satisfaction and its Associated Factors Among International Students in Yunnan of China

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Wenjin Wu
Thanawan Phognsatha


          The objectives of this research were (1) To explore the current situation of international students' satisfaction with online Chinese learning at the Yunnan Normal University; (2) To identify the relationship between the variables influencing student satisfaction in the context of online Chinese learning; and (3) To examine the relationship between student satisfaction and perceived learning performance. 
          The population was international students at Yunnan Normal University. The sample size was 300. The research instruments employed included questionnaires and interviews. The data obtained were reported as descriptive statistics, Confirmation Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Model (SEM) for hypothesis testing. 
          The study results have identified that six variables, online learning self-efficacy, learner-instructor interaction, learner-learner interaction, learner-content interaction, internet quality, and technology quality, were the significant factors that influence student satisfaction, and student satisfaction also significantly influences perceived learning performance in the context of learning Chinese online. Finally, the author makes some suggestions. (1) teachers should encourage students to cultivate their self-efficacy and strengthen the cultivation of self-control ability. (2) The selection of teaching materials should also pay attention to the characteristics of online learning, and online teaching should use some content that can generate interaction with classmates to stimulate students' interest. (3) international students must take the initiative to participate in learning, interact more with classmates, and pay more attention to real-time interactive learning opportunities in online classes. (4) technology and networks are very important; teachers should have a basic grasp of the teaching platform to be used before teaching.

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How to Cite
Wu, W., & Phognsatha, T. . (2024). The Online Chinese Learning Satisfaction and its Associated Factors Among International Students in Yunnan of China. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 108–130. retrieved from
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