The Effectiveness Management Model of Animation Major in Universities under Liaoning Province

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Hu Nan
Somsak Chanphong
Sutida Howattanakul


          The objectives of this research were: (1) To examine the components and indicators of effectiveness management of animation major in universities under Liaoning province.; (2) To confirm the components and indicators model of effectiveness management of animation major in universities under Liaoning Province; and (3) To formulate guidelines for improving the effectiveness management of animation major in universities under Liaoning Province.
          The research was a mixed methodology research. The population were consisted of administrators and teachers of animation major in universities in Liaoning province, total 1,100 people. The sample was 285 administrators and instructors. The researcher determined sample size with Krejcie and Morgan's table (1970), and obtained by the stratified random sampling technique. The 7 key informants were mainly presidents, deans, head of department and discipline leaders of public universities with animation major in Liaoning Province, and were obtained by purposive sampling method. The instruments used for data collection were semi-structured interview form, five-point rating scale questionnaires and Focus Group Discussion form. The response rate of questionnaires was 100%. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and content analysis was employed.
          The research findings were: (1) There were five components and 26 key variables of the effectiveness management model of animation major in universities in Liaoning Province, which consisted of Team building, Resource allocation,  Organization structure, University culture and Communication management; (2) Model validation of five components were founded and model fit with empirical  data for all indicators. And (3) There were total 36  guidelines of the effectiveness management of animation major in universities in Liaoning province.

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How to Cite
Nan , H. ., Chanphong , . S. ., & Howattanakul , S. . (2024). The Effectiveness Management Model of Animation Major in Universities under Liaoning Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 348–364. retrieved from
Research Article


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