The Sub-District Constitution Development for Community Democracy Development in Kaengkhro District Chaiya Phum Province

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Samurt Sanguansin
Narat Sawadrath


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to analyze the infrastructure conditions and needs for the development of a sub-district constitution for community democracy development in Kaeng Khro District, Chaiya Phum Province 2) to participatory develop the sub-district constitution for community democracy development in Kaeng Khro District, Chaiya Phum Province 3) to develop the sub-district constitution learning network for driving community democracy in Kaeng Khro District, Chaiya Phum Province. This research was mixed methods. The sample group consisted of 400 people using a questionnaire, key informants included local leaders. expert and local scholars, totaling 25 people, and conducting operational research to develop a subdistrict constitution in the area of ​​Tha Ma Fai Wan Sub-district, Kaeng Khro District, Chaiya Phum Province. Data were analyzed using statistics such as Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation and analyzed qualitative data using content analysis methods.
          The result was found that:
          1. Kaeng Khro District, Chaiya Phum Province is an area around the Phu Lan Kha mountain range. It is characterized by a mountainside area. Most of it is an area for farming crops. There are thorough transportation routes, electricity and public health. The people have a simple lifestyle and there is a need for the development of a moderate sub-district constitution.
          2. Develop a sub-district constitution in Tha Ma Fai Wan Sub-district. Kaeng Khro District, Chaiya Phum Province by (1) creating understanding (2) presenting problems and listening to suggestions and jointly analyze problems and determine guidelines (3) create a joint agreement (4) prepare a draft sub-district constitution and (5) develop it into a sub-district constitution.
          3. Proceed with the dissemination of the sub-district constitution and create cooperation with government officials, community leaders and people in the area. Various formats and create a network to other agencies such as the Subdistrict Administrative Organization Mafai Wan School, Temple, Health Promoting Hospital Phu Laen Kha National Park, etc.


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How to Cite
Sanguansin , S. . ., & Sawadrath , N. . (2024). The Sub-District Constitution Development for Community Democracy Development in Kaengkhro District Chaiya Phum Province . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 381–393. Retrieved from
Research Article


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