Development of a Paper-Based Test Kit for the Detection of Gunshot Residues

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Sirirat Choosakoonkriang
Supachai Supaluknari
Piyapa Junmon
Orathai Khaewpum


          Gunshot residue (GSR) was a piece of important trace evidence which helps to identified the shooter related to firearms. The objective of this study was to develop a rapid color microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (µPADs) for the detection of lead, barium nitrile and nitrate in gunshot residues. The µPADs were created by beeswax printing on filter paper. The analysis of nitrite and nitrate ions was based on the color reaction using a Griess reagent while the detection of lead and barium ions was using a sodium rhodizonate test. The devices were employed to detect those ions existence from the color intensity of the µPADs images read by an ImageJ software in RGB color space. It was found that the limits of detection for lead, barium, nitrile and nitrate ions were 0.04, 0.11, 0.16 and 0.16 nmol. The µPAD device was then used to analyses the lead, barium, nitrite and nitrate ions in gunshot residues collected from the shooter’s hands and from fired cartridge cases. Although the presence of GSR on shooter’s hands after a shooting could be relatively low, the results has demonstrated that applying µPADs, a simple analytical devices test could assist the forensic investigation in detecting in the field-work detection of GSR.

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How to Cite
Choosakoonkriang, S. ., Supaluknari, S. ., Junmon , . P. ., & Khaewpum, O. . (2024). Development of a Paper-Based Test Kit for the Detection of Gunshot Residues. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 212–229. retrieved from
Research Article


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