The International Students Satisfaction and Perceived Learning Towards Online Cultural Experience and Exchange Programs

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Meng Zhang
Thanawan Phognsatha


          This quantitative research’s objectives were 1) to examine the mediating effects of engagement on interaction with diverse peers and teachers on both international students’ satisfaction and perceived learning towards online cultural experience and exchange programs; and 2) to examine factors including Internet self-efficacy, motivation, stress and Internet affecting international students’ satisfaction towards online cultural experience and exchange programs. This research selected the international students in Liaoning Province, China as the population, and the international students majored in Chinese Language in A university in Anshan city of Liaoning Province was adopted as the sample. In this study, purposive sampling was used, and questionnaire survey was the research instrument, which that was the behavior measurement focusing on collecting information about attitudes and perception of international students in order to test their levels of satisfaction and perceived learning towards online cultural experience and exchange programs.
          The results unveiled the mediating effect of engagement on interaction with diverse peers and teachers with both perceived learning and satisfaction, and variables Internet self-efficacy, motivation and stress significantly influenced international students’ satisfaction towards online cultural experience and exchange programs. In the post-covid time, online teaching and learning take on a new challenge and opportunity as well, and the researchers hope this study could offer related educators and field some opinions or options, which has been discussed in the parts of implications and recommendations.

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How to Cite
Zhang, M., & Phognsatha, T. . (2024). The International Students Satisfaction and Perceived Learning Towards Online Cultural Experience and Exchange Programs. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 301–320. retrieved from
Research Article


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