Comparative Analysis and Empirical Research on the Professional Competence Standards for International Chinese Language Teachers

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Sha Tao
XiaoFei Ren


          In order to adapt to the new trends and requirements of international Chinese language education development in the new era and ensure the high-quality development of international Chinese language education, the World Chinese Language Teaching Association released the "Professional Ability Standards for International Chinese Language Teachers" (T/ISCLT 001-2022) in August 2022. This standard inherits and develops the 2012 edition of the International Chinese Language Teacher Standard. Starting from the background of the standard's release, this article delves into the development and changes of the standard, as well as the characteristics, impacts, and hidden issues presented by the new standard. The article uses comparative analysis, questionnaire survey, and SPSS26 software to analyze data. We believe that standards have brought positive impacts to international Chinese education, and that standards, teachers, and students are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, promoting each other; At the same time, there are hidden issues with standards, with simple levels of professional competence recognition and incomplete standards; Taking "teaching implementation" as an example for empirical research, it was found that certification standards cannot provide feedback on ability requirements. Further research is needed by subsequent scholars and relevant institutions to verify its reliability and effectiveness through actual measurements, ensuring the scientific and fair nature of certification standards.

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How to Cite
Tao, S. ., & Ren, X. . (2024). Comparative Analysis and Empirical Research on the Professional Competence Standards for International Chinese Language Teachers. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 474–487. Retrieved from
Research Article


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